
Did you know that dental disease is more than a cosmetic issue? Dental disease can be painful, affect the animal’s behavior and appetite, and has been linked to diseases of the heart and kidneys.

The best way to prevent dental disease in animals is the same as in people – daily brushing! You can learn how to brush your pet's teeth here

There are many over-the-counter products that claim to help prevent dental disease in pets, and choosing the right product can be confusing! We recommend using products with the Veterinary Oral Health Council seal of approval. The VOHC seal lets you know that the product you're buying has been proven to reduce plaque and tartar in pets.

We provide dental cleanings under general anesthesia, with pre-anesthetic blood work, extra supplemental heat, and IV fluids to make the procedure as safe as possible for all of our dental patients. During a dental procedure, we perform a more thorough oral exam than is permitted in an awake dog or cat, including checking all teeth for defects such as fractures, pockets of bone loss, and infection. Then we scale the teeth above and below the gum line, take digital dental radiographs to make decisions regarding extractions, and polish the tooth surface to eliminate any scratches on the enamel. If any tooth extractions or oral mass biopsies are needed, we can perform them during the same procedure.  If a dental problem is beyond our ability to treat, we can refer your pet to a dental specialist for more advanced care.